Specialists' adherence to guidelines on tympanostomy tube insertion

Lene Dahl Siggaard, Thomas Qvist Barrett, Michael Lüscher, Peter Koefoed Tingsgaard, Preben Homøe

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftArtikelForskningpeer review


INTRODUCTION: Tympanostomy tube insertion is very frequent in Denmark. Using electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) data, we investigated Danish ear, nose og throat (ENT) specialists' adherence to the 2015 national clinical guideline (NCG) on first-time tympanostomy tube (TT) insertion in children aged 0-5 years with otitis media (OM).

METHODS: Data on children aged 0-5 years with OM undergoing first-time TT insertion were extracted from the Danish ENT Specialists Organisation (DØNHO) database. Pre-operative questionnaires were used to obtain information on symptom duration, and the number of acute OM (AOM) episodes was analysed. The following criteria were established to define NCG adherence: 1) A symptom duration of three months or longer, 2) three or more AOM episodes within six months and 3) four or more AOM episodes within 12 months. These criteria are in accordance with the NCG definition of chronic OM with effusion (COME) and recurrent AOM (RAOM).

RESULTS: A total of 1,495 children were included in the study. In total, 91.0% of the parents reported a symptom duration of three months or more and/or RAOM within 6-12 months prior to TT insertion in accordance with the adherence criteria; 4.6% reported a symptom duration of less than three months with few or no episodes of AOM and did not meet the recommended TT insertion criteria. Finally, 4.4% of the parents were undecided with respect to symptom duration, number of AOM episodes or both at 6-12 months prior to TT insertion.

CONCLUSIONS: Using solely ePRO data, we found that Danish practicing ENT specialists adhere to the 2015 NCG in regard to OM symptom duration and RAOM.

FUNDING: none.


TidsskriftDanish Medical Journal
Udgave nummer9
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2019

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