Reduced length of stay and convalescence in laparoscopic vs open sigmoid resection with traditional care: A double blinded randomized clinical trial

B. Kaltoft*, I. Gögenur, J. Rosenberg

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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    Aim The effect of a laparoscopic technique without a multi-modal rehabilitation programme but with traditional postoperative care was studied in a blinded randomized trial regarding nursing time, hospital stay, pain, fatigue, need for sleep and return to normal daily activities. Method Eighteen patients with sigmoid cancer were randomly assigned to laparoscopic (n=10) and open (n=8) colonic resection in a double blinded trial. Length of hospital stay, fulfilment of discharge criteria, need for nursing care (information given to the patient, physical care and indirect care) and postoperative pain were recorded. Furthermore, the patients filled out a questionnaire regarding fatigue, need for sleep and return to daily activities 14 and 30days postoperatively. Results The laparoscopic technique reduced length of hospital stay from 7 to 4.5days (P=0.006), although both groups met the discharge criteria on the third postoperative day. There were no significant differences in total need for nursing time during hospitalization between the two groups (P=0.328). The laparoscopic group had less pain 24hours after operation (P=0.040), and reported less fatigue and reduced need for sleep during the day 30days after surgery when compared with open surgery (P=0.033 and P=0.036, respectively). Furthermore, the laparoscopic group returned significantly faster to normal daily activities after surgery (P=0.023). Conclusion Laparoscopic surgery per se reduced hospital stay, pain and convalescence compared with open surgery in patients undergoing colonic resection.These effects were obtained without a fast track programme and without an increase in nursing staff on the general surgical ward.

    Sider (fra-til)e123-e130
    TidsskriftColorectal Disease
    Udgave nummer6
    StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2011


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