Ledbevarende kirurgi i hofte- og knæled og udviklingen af sekundær artrose

Kristoffer Weisskirchner Barfod, Bjarke Viberg, Lars Blønd, Bjarne Mygind-Klavsen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningpeer review


The purpose of this review was to elucidate if surgery can prevent secondary osteoarthritis (OA) in hip dysplasia, femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, varus malalignment of the knee, patella instability, anterior cruciate ligament injury and intra-articular fracture of the knee or hip. In conclusion, there is evidence that surgery for intra articular fracture of the knee or hip reduces the risk of secondary OA. There is a lack of prospective comparative studies for the remaining investigated conditions and as such no convincing evidence that surgery reduces the risk of secondary OA.

Bidragets oversatte titelJoint-preserving surgery in hip and knee and development of secondary osteoarthritis
Sider (fra-til)1957-1959
Antal sider3
TidsskriftUgeskrift for laeger
Udgave nummer20A
StatusUdgivet - 12 okt. 2020


  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
  • Humans
  • Joint Instability/etiology
  • Knee Joint
  • Osteoarthritis, Hip/etiology
  • Osteoarthritis, Knee/etiology
  • Prospective Studies


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