Factors Influencing Pain Response Following Patient Education and Supervised Exercise in Male and Female Subjects With Hip Osteoarthritis

Anthony V Perruccio*, Ewa M Roos, Søren T Skou, Dorte Thalund Grønne, Aileen M Davis

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftArtikelForskningpeer review


OBJECTIVE: To understand factors associated with pain intensity responder status following nonsurgical hip osteoarthritis (OA) intervention, according to sex.

METHODS: Data were from individuals with hip OA participating in the Danish Good Life With Osteoarthritis in Denmark 8-week education and exercise program. The following factors were recorded at program entry: age; education; mental well-being; comorbidities; body mass index; symptoms in hip, knee, and low back; and program-specific factors including education sessions, former participant lectures, and supervised exercise sessions. Pain intensity was recorded at baseline and at month 3 (post-program) on a 0-100-mm visual analog scale. Response was defined as pain intensity improvement of ≥30% from baseline to post-program. Logistic regression was used and conducted separately in male and female subjects.

RESULTS: The sample included 791 men and 2,253 women. Female subjects had a mean baseline pain score of 47.2 of 100 (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 46.4-48.1) and male subjects had a score of 41.7 (95% CI 40.3-43.1). By post-program, the proportion of pain responders was 50.4% among women and 45.8% among men (difference P = 0.025). Among women, program-specific factors (attending former participant lectures and more supervised exercise sessions) were positively associated with pain response, as were better mental well-being and fewer comorbidities, while symptoms in other joints/sites were associated with a decreased likelihood of response. Among men, program-specific factors were not associated with response, while better mental well-being and fewer comorbidities were associated with being a responder.

CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that the influence of some factors on pain response differ for male and female subjects and point to a potential need for targeted approaches for men and women who may require different key messages/approaches from health care providers.

Sider (fra-til)1140-1146
Antal sider7
TidsskriftArthritis Care and Research
Udgave nummer5
Tidlig onlinedato19 maj 2022
StatusUdgivet - maj 2023

Bibliografisk note

© 2022 American College of Rheumatology.


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