Evaluating enhancing the acute myocardial infarction criteria in the Glasgow electrocardiogram analysis program by including ST depression

Elaine N. Clark, Maria Sejersten, Peter Clemmensen, Peter W. MacFarlane

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidragForskningpeer review


    The aims of this study were to investigate if the acute myocardial infarction (MI) criteria in the University of Glasgow ECG analysis program (Uni-G) could be enhanced by including new lead pairings and to explore alternative criteria based on STEMI equivalence. 912 12-lead ECGs were recorded in ambulances on patients with a suspected acute coronary syndrome. The ACC/ESC and the Uni-G criteria were modified to include pairings {III,-aVL}, {-III,aVL}, and {-V2,-V3}. Using the hospital discharge diagnosis as the gold standard, the modified criteria were evaluated. Significant changes in sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) were evident using the modified ACC/ESC criteria: SEfrom 72.1% to 75.4% (p=0.002); SP from 88.1% to 86.6% (p=0.004). The current Uni-G criteria gave betterresults than the modified ACC/ESC criteria (SE 77.6% and SP 93.9%.). All attempts at extending the Uni-G criteria resulted in a decrease in SP.

    TitelComputing in Cardiology 2010, CinC 2010
    Antal sider4
    StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2010
    BegivenhedComputing in Cardiology 2010, CinC 2010 - Belfast, Storbritannien
    Varighed: 26 sep. 201029 sep. 2010


    NavnComputing in Cardiology
    ISSN (Trykt)2325-8861
    ISSN (Elektronisk)2325-887X


    KonferenceComputing in Cardiology 2010, CinC 2010


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