Anal abscess imaged with 99mTc-labeled leukocytes. Case report

H. Kelbaek, T. Gjorup, J. Fogh

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    Abscess imaging with leukocyte scintigraphy is described in a case report. Autologous leukocytes were separated from whole blood in a patient with localized inflammation in the perineal region and labeled with 99mTc, an ideal radionuclide for clinical examination with gamma camera. Scintigraphic investigations demonstrated a deep-lying anal abscess. The procedure may prove useful for detection of occult infections and may provide a new diagnostic approach in fever of unknown origin.

    Sider (fra-til)485-486
    Antal sider2
    TidsskriftActa Chirurgica Scandinavica
    Udgave nummer5
    StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 1985


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