Aerococcus, Abiotrophia, and other Aerobic Catalase‐Negative, Gram‐Positive Cocci

Jens Jørgen Elmer Christensen, Kathryn L. Ruoff

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This chapter examines clinically significant catalase‐negative, Gram‐positive cocci other than streptococci, enterococci, and the obligately anaerobic Gram‐positive cocci. These bacteria form a taxonomically diverse collection of organisms that are infrequently isolated from clinical specimens and that may be misidentified as other more well‐known Gram‐positive cocci. The chapter discusses their taxonomy, their clinical significance, and the phenotypic and molecular methods for identification of these organisms when encountered in clinical microbiology laboratories. The genera included are Abiotrophia, Aerococcus, Dolosicoccus, Dolosigranulum, Facklamia, Gemella, Globicatella, Granulicatella, Helcococcus, Ignavigranum, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Vagococcus, and Weissella.
TitelManual of Clinical Microbiology
ForlagAmerican Society for Microbiology
Udgave11th edition
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781683672807
ISBN (Trykt)9781555817374
StatusUdgivet - 2015
