Projekt Tidlig Psykiatri



Early interest in psychiatry amongst medical students has been identified as a key predictor for later pursuing a career within the field. Studies indicates that universities offering extra-curricular psychiatric activities, such as summer schools or electives, witness a higher proportion of medical graduates entering psychiatry residency programs. At Copenhagen University, psychiatry is introduced in the final years of the current medical school curriculum.

This study aims to cultivate an early interest in psychiatry amongst undergraduate medical students, with the long-term goal of enhancing doctor recruitment to the field.

The purpose of this project is therefore to create new, engaging psychiatric e-learning material that connects the curriculum of three bachelor courses to clinical psychiatry.

The material will feature video interviews with young doctors, offering a glimpse into their daily experiences working in the field of psychiatry.
By incorporating psychiatric cases and clinical examples into the undergraduate medical curriculum, we wish to accentuate the connections between psychiatry and other medical specialties. We hope that this will contribute to increased interest and understanding of psychiatry as a medical discipline.

To assess medical students’ attitudes, interest, and experience with psychiatry, we will use online questionnaires at the end of term after exposure to the new material.

See our productions here:

The Project is funded by Lundbeckfonden

Lægmands beskrivelse

Projekt Tidlig Psykiatri har til formål at vække medicinstuderens interesse for psykiatri tidligere i deres uddannelse end tilfældet er i dag. Studier viser, at de universiteter, der introducerer faget tidligt også har et tilsvarende større antal nyuddannede læger, der vælger en videreuddannelse indenfor psykiatrien.
Ved at integrere 15 videoer fordelt på 3 fag på bacheloren for medicin på KU vil projektet vise de studerende glimt af hverdagen som yngre læge i psykiatrien og koble dette til deres eksisterende pensum.
Du kan se videoerne her:

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Effektiv start/slut dato3/07/23 → …